(translated bu Google. Had no time to check. Please excuse-me possible mistakes)
With a megalomaniac effective , the Military Police bolstered the second major demonstration against the World Cup that happened in the city center of Sao Paulo . In yesterday's protest , called by multiple cores , mainly students , we were finally able to see the work of counterterrorism police , which demonstrated his martial skills headlock giving up on journalists. What is so smooth , if we consider that in Russia, the gang takes whiplash . In the Republic Square, where the act began , camp formed by activists remains today ( Sunday) .
According to the PM , thousand people were present. Of these , 230 were arrested, including journalists, who , again , did not receive forgiveness and police also caught . The prisoners were divided into buses and taken to different police stations , probably to disperse media attention and avoid the vigil of protesters .
Concentration in the Republic, threatened to march up the Consolation , but eventually headed for narrow streets of the center. We asked the organizers what would be the path, but they said they were surprised . Sometimes , who was in the forefront asking for everyone to turn their right , then change course abruptly to the left, confusing demonstrators and journalists , and hindering the police escort that ran beside the group .
The concentration started around 17h and followed a half hour later as a block of Carnival . As with many other acts , the group is divided into wards . The first is the block of the press . Journalists , photographers and audiovisual workers in general who stumble on classmates to get the best takes of everything. All equipped : helmet, mask, glasses, badge, vest press. Then the side of insurers fearless band . There you can see a punk , a student of social sciences , USP, etc. . They do not wear protective gear . Race only. Behind the insurers, black blocs . Following , students engaged with the right battery. Incidental , followers of all species .
As the mainstream media loves to say , the demonstration began peacefully . And so it was , until opposite the Metro Anhagabaú , police took attitudes that so far remain elusive for those who witnessed the scene . In the first disturbance in front of the April 7th Street , soldiers surrounded the PM and acted truculently with some protesters . It was there that he began acuação by police against whom the protest was then run without being able to see who was being assaulted in fact , until our photographer Alice Martins picked up the baton , which caused injury to his arm . The photographer and videographer Philip Larozza also our team , had his badge ripped the press when an officer grabbed him by the shirt of truculent manner , causing him to be arrested on the sidewalk until a friend who would identify as a journalist .
In the stampede , who were masked behind the insurers track ran toward niches where police acuavam protesters . But who ran was cornered by a mitosis performed live by the police , who set up a kind of cell in back of the protesters (or a square of eight ? ) . Being inside this dome , which seemed wrong kettling , was not a privilege : who tried to enter or leave the enclosure - whether protester or journalist - caught . Who has not picked up , had enjoyed the martial skills of such officers trained to combat terrorism in manifestation , being kicked , pushed, dragged or wrapped in a key bit tender neck . While the horror show rolled loose, both sides of the sidewalk was crowded with people sitting with his hands behind him , waiting for the magazine. A line of police officers closed both sides of the street opening only for the arrival of the bus .
People who were locked in trades , when they fled , they were pushed back into the property by police who did not spare kicks . A man asked " I can not even get through to my wife who is here on the side? 'm Gonna get ? " , Police responded to a " Suit yourself ."
The police increased the space exponentially , throwing tear gas to scatter the crowd and gain ground . And faint curved saw people being placed on buses Tactical Force , or even on the floor without any help , while police officers shouted and asked, " Any more police wounded ? " .
Only saw riot after the action of the PM . We follow the black blocs through the downtown streets , which seemed so dark alleys more .
Advocates activists - the ones who could establish dialogue with some autonomy among the besieged - were soon expelled , also headlock . One of them , claiming that his cell had been taken , and the other showing the torn documents . " I was ripped from inside because they were committing illegalities , and I was denouncing it . Has people suffering there, passed out , leave no track or lawyer ," lamented one of the boys .
The journalists went out quietly shuffling, like a team of the Gazette , which broke out walking and holding the umbrella over the equipment . All lawyers had been expelled , and the police started firing rubber bullets and tear gas to drive people leaving who was still sitting in the siege and isolated out of sight .
All the streets were being blocked . As we talked with other journalists in a bar still open and customers , find more police standing guard . They seemed calm and talked to a gentleman who claimed to have received bombs and caught at the moment of confusion , even without participating in the protest. While the soldiers were trying to apologize or understand its history, the Shock came down another street and took everyone by surprise, throwing more bombs and making the gas entering the bar . We could not see the reaction of PMs conversing with you .
The Shock troops let out bursts of two or three pumps , with the five-minute interval between each , and walked a few meters to take the street Colonel Xavier de Toledo , from end to end , with its cordon . A boy stole a woman 's cell phone , which went screaming over some people behind him, but failed to retrieve the device . The police , of course, not moved , and continued to manage the traffic with the arrival of about a 10 vans Tactical Force.
We returned towards the Republic Square , not before being searched and getting past a barrier on the street , which only happened because we are all journalists. We spent good and were released with a smile , the sound of " But I knew that the guilt of all this is yours ? They just ride this bullshit because you give IBOPE . "
On Republic Square , the occupation was still rolling , with less and less people posters , but a person GAPP ( Support Group for People Protest ) stood guard while doing stream of the situation of the place , it was quiet . There was the headquarters of the group , which meets wounded and holds first -aid voluntarily in demonstrations . " The weather today is super tense ," said Alexander, a member of the GAPP .
As we were a team of six people , we divide . Part of the troupe went Paulista , asking all police - about eight men every one kilometers - where the protest had passed and in which direction . " We saw no one pass. 're Not here , no. " Then ask, " Why are you here? " . No answer, confused faces . Another part of the group headed to the DP 78 , the Gardens , where 27 people were arrested , including two minors. Igor Leone , one of the activists Lawyers , says that among the charges laid resistance , defiance , disobedience and personal injury - the latter , on account of a policeman who broke his arm .
A black bloc told us " off the record" when we left home , the police were waiting at the door that warned : " We are watching everything you do ." True or not, signs of persecution are even noticed. Advocates for VICE Activists said that OAB ( Order of Lawyers of Brazil ) , an institution that does not offer any kind of support for them , put a member of the Public Safety Commission in each precinct to investigate whether the volunteer work done by the group not fits the offense of " attracting clientele ."
Asked several soldiers from the police who was responsible for the effective day . They showed us the sergeant, who in turn said he would not talk to the press . " Talk to the colonel. " We asked what was the name of Colonel . " I do not know . " Then a policeman next door asked if we had joined . Sign Up for covering demonstrations ? " All vehicles are currently registered . Had you done the registration , would have that information. " Hi ? We asked some journalists who were around and all unaware of this practice . It seems incredible , but we recorded it on video .
The patrolling increasingly demonstrates its weakness and inefficiency in dealing with demonstrators and even journalists. The PM says he has no strategy. Ie subpoena to testify usual protesters at the same time the act and spread the protest held by the police of the city is not strategy.
Yesterday was a day I got scared . We were afraid to simply make our gig , which is monitoring the demonstration. Fear of catching , afraid to take bullet, fear of arrest . No wonder people from our team picked . Who was on the street , were protester , journalist or civil afraid . They say that living in São Paulo is dangerous . Really , really fucking - if you are black , poor, resident of the periphery . And if you are a journalist or protester .
We will be in the next acts sailors . And tomorrow is a video .
Follow Deborah Lopes ( @ deboralopes ) and Eduardo Pininga ( @ 5dollarshoes ) on Twitter , and Alice Martins on Instagram ( martinsalicea )
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